Dealing with the Devil Page 2
Archie tightened his fist around the gavel in his hand and squelched the urge to jam it down Monster’s throat. The man had already paid in full for his actions, according to their charter’s laws but Archie was hardly satisfied. Were he were a less disciplined man, Monster would be dead right now instead of just sore.
“Alright, settle down,” Archie snarled, banging the wooden gavel with far more force than was necessary. “First order of business is welcoming our new prospects to their very first meeting.” He cast a sidelong glance at the woman seated at his right hand, “Congratulations to Kyle, Hunter, Mort…” Archie let out a labored breath; it pained him to even say her name. “And Lucy.” The hoots and applause from the other members only made him angrier. “Patching with the Devil’s Own MC is an honor and you should treat that cut with the same respect you show your mother. When you’re wearing our colors, you represent every man in this room—”
“Every woman too,” Lucy added. She watched Gabe’s blood pressure rise as the stain of his anger darkened his face. Danny was glaring daggers at her. Lucy half expected Gabe to grab her by the collar and scream until he was hoarse…but he turned and continued on as if he hadn’t heard her at all.
“Second order of business, now that our prospects have been welcomed properly, it’s important to understand that you are the bitches of this group. If a member tells you to do something, you do it and you do not ask questions! If I ask you to cut off your own balls and serve them to me on a platter, you better damn well do it. Do I make myself clear?” Archie’s booming voice seemed to echo throughout the room. He glared at each one of the prospects. The three boys had enough sense to look properly terrified but Lucy, of course, barely batted an eye. Her nonchalance infuriated him. “Get the fuck out of this room! You’re not members yet and you don’t get to be part of any club business unless I say so! You four start cleaning the bar and I’d better be able to eat off it by the time this meeting is over!”
Mort, Hunter, and Kyle scrambled out of the room like scared jackrabbits. Lucy, on the other hand, sauntered toward the door. She said nothing, ignoring Gabe’s angry glare as she pulled the door closed behind her. Gabriel Archer could huff and puff all he wanted but he was never going to break her.
The bar was in shambles thanks to last night’s festivities. Empty glasses and broken bottles covered the counters and floors, trash overflowed the garbage cans, and every surface in the place was sticky for reasons Lucy didn’t care to think about. The boys stood there looking dumfounded and unsure, so she took it upon herself to hand out assignments. To their credit, not one of them argued and quickly set about completing their tasks. Mort picked up cans and bottles to be recycled, Hunter grabbed a broom and started sweeping, and Kyle helped Lucy rearrange the bar and wipe down the tables.
“That was pretty ballsy, what you did in there.” Kyle chuckled as he used a cloth to brush broken glass into a trashcan. He was an inch taller than Lucy and his dark hair had been chopped into a crew cut. Warm brown eyes sparkled with mirth, radiating warmth and goodness. He collected more glasses and brought them over to be washed.
Lucy looked up from the pile of snifters she was cleaning and smirked. “Gabe doesn’t scare me,” She replied. “He’s a good President. He’s strong and cunning and he believes in the club…but he also takes archaic traditions far too seriously. The MC has been a boys club for way too long.”
Kyle grabbed a towel and started to dry the glasses Lucy had already cleaned. He nodded cordially, “I just think you’re brave, is all. If anyone’s going to break the glass ceiling, it’s definitely going to be you.” He flashed her a handsome smile. Once he finished drying, Kyle trotted over to help Mort carry a huge bag of recyclables out to the bin. By the time he got back, Lucy was putting the last of the glasses back onto the shelf. The bar was cleaner than it had been even before the party, though no one in their right mind would ever eat off the floor.
The meeting didn’t last too much longer. Pretty soon, members poured out of the War Room, rowdy and thirsty. Mort got behind the bar and immediately started serving up drinks. Kyle and Hunter were ordered to suit up and head to the border to make sure no Black Jacks crossed into the territory during the night. Lucy was left to wash down the rest of the tables. She was leaning over to scrub a spot at the bar when she felt a shadow creep behind her. Seconds later, Lucy cried out as she was rammed against the bar. “What the hell!”
“I usually like my women with more meat on them but for now, you’re gonna to have to do.” Beaver’s breath smelled heavily of tequila; it was obvious he had been drinking long before the meeting took place. He chuckled derisively and pushed her again, this time toward the rooms in the back, “You heard what Archie said. You have to do whatever I say without question. And I say you’re gonna suck my dick, sweetheart.” Beaver turned slightly to the left and swallowed a mouthful of fist.
The veins in Gabriel’s neck throbbed so noticeably that Lucy was terrified they were going to burst. The massive man reached down to finish beating the life out of Beaver when Lucy grabbed Gabe’s arm. “Stop!” Lucy was still startled from being grabbed but she forced herself to regain her bearings. “You told him not even an hour ago that I’m a prospect and I have to do whatever he asks without question.”
“What he’s asking you to do isn’t right, Lucy!” Archie thundered. This was everything he had feared…Lucy was beautiful, delicate, and sweet and these men were going to ruin her. “Do you want to suck his fucking dick?”
“Of course I don’t!” Lucy cried, “But I expect to be treated just like any other prospect. Which means I shouldn’t need to worry about being asked to perform sexual favors! If I couldn’t finish the job, would Mort be asked to step in? How about Hunter or Kyle?” Lucy gritted her teeth angrily. “I don’t think so!” Despite her best efforts, her entire body shook in rage and fear. She was aware of the possibility that someone might try and take advantage of her position; she simply hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.
Beaver crawled away while Lucy and Archie stared each other down. There was no doubt that Archie had busted the man’s nose. Meanwhile, he was left with such overwhelming guilt. Archie had told everyone the prospects had to do whatever they were told, without question; it was just the way things worked in the MC. They’d all been hazed during their induction and each one of them survived. Then again, he’d kill anyone who so much as looked at Lucy sideways. This was just another reason why she didn’t belong here. “I guess I need to make it clear that demanding sex from a prospect is not acceptable…” He growled at those who were assembled, “Although I really wish I didn’t have to!” He exhaled sharply as he struggled to rein in his emotions. “Go home, Luce. I’ll deal with you later.”
Lucy’s eyes narrowed into angry slits. What the hell did he mean deal with her later? Gabe had the look of a man on the edge. She thought about arguing but given precarious nature of the situation, she grabbed her purse from behind the bar and did what she was told. On her way out, Danny grabbed her arm; she could feel concern radiating off him in waves. Lucy flashed Danny half a smile. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Danny didn’t look convinced but Lucy was fine. Their father hadn’t allowed her to be a weakling. If Beaver tried to force her into anything, she’d have made a eunuch out of him in ten seconds flat.
Hitting the open road was just what Lucy needed right now. Her Harley seemed petite next to the hulking bikes parked outside the club. The streetlights reflected against the shimmering cherry red paint, polished to perfection. Lucy loved this bike more than she could ever imagine loving anything else in the world. The wheel wells were perfectly pristine and spotless, the handlebars free of any dust or debris, and the engine purred like a kitten as she turned the key. Once her helmet was fastened securely, Lucy took off like a shot.
She considered taking the long way home when thunder rumbled in the distance. Lucy pushed harder, weaving her way along the back roads to shave off time. She made it home just as a sto
rm kicked up around her. Rain like this meant Danny would sleep at the club tonight; it wasn’t safe to be riding in this kind of weather. Plus, the Devil Eaters would be out around midnight and he never turned down an opportunity to sleep with a pretty woman.
Lightning zipped in the distance as Lucy changed out of her jeans and slipped into a pair of black yoga pants and a tank top. She desperately needed to work out some of her frustrations. The home gym wasn’t much to speak of: there was a punching bag suspended on a thick metal chain, a set of free weights, and a rusty rowing machine that her mother had picked up at a garage sale before Danny was born. Lucy quickly taped her hands before taking the first hit on the punching bag. It barely swung as she warmed up but her blows became more aggressive as she hit her stride.
Perspiration beaded on Lucy’s brow as she poured her frustrations into her workout. She landed a particularly hard blow and sweat burned into her eyes. Lucy cursed and grabbed a towel, dragging it over her face. When she pulled it away, she startled at the realization that she was not alone.
“Pretending this is my face?” Archie drawled lazily, grabbing the bag so it wouldn’t knock her as it swung. His lips curved up into half a smile despite how unsettled things were between them right now.
Lucy padded over to the ancient fridge that stood in the corner. “Something like that…” She tugged the door open and dug around. “You want a beer?” She tossed him a can before cracking open her water and taking a long sip. “What are you doing here?”
“I need to talk to you.” A rumble of thunder shook the house and the lights flickered menacingly. “But not down here. If the power goes out, I do not want to be trapped in this stuffy basement.” This time when he reached for her, his touch was gentle. “I’m not here to argue, okay? Hear me out, Luce.” Archie shepherded her up the stairs while trying not to stare at her delightfully rounded backside in those damned stretchy pants.
Lucy didn’t protest. The power frequently went out during storms. As kids, they’d spent many nights huddled in a blanket fort in the living room with a single flashlight between them. Lucy brushed away the memories and immediately headed into the kitchen to dig that old flashlight out of a drawer. Without being asked, Gabriel lit several candles. They moved around each other with relative ease, performing monotonous tasks until finally everything was complete and they were forced to interact with one another again.
Lucy stood awkwardly before him. She examined a loose thread on her shirt, tugging at it idly to distract herself. “So…”
Archie sat down at the kitchen table and neatly folded his hands. “Have you eaten?”
A smile ghosted across Lucy’s lips. “You didn’t come all the way over here to ask me I ate dinner, did you? Just say what you need to say…you’re stripping me of my patch, aren’t you?”
Archie exhaled sharply. “Although I would very much like to, rules are rules and you haven’t broken any of the major ones yet.” He truly wished that she had. If he were a petty man, he’d find a way to get it done…but Lucy would never forgive him and he couldn’t live with that. “We’ve been at war with the Black Jacks for a long time. They’ve got all the territory around Errol locked in and we’re the only thing standing in their way from controlling the state. Things have been quiet for a while but it’s only a matter of time before the violence escalates again.”
Both of Lucy’s parents had been casualties in the war that had started long before she was ever born. She cocked her head in confusion. “Okay, tell me something I don’t know?”
Archie fought to hide his smile. “Even though the Black Jacks are strong, I have it on very good authority that their hold on Reno is slipping. It’s ripe for the taking, Lucy. The club voted tonight and the Devils are going to make a play for their territory.”
“Jesus Christ, Gabriel, that’s suicide!” Fear clawed its way into Lucy’s chest. It was one thing to operate in Errol where everybody and their brother was affiliated with the MC in some way…but Reno was crawling with cops, lowlifes, and dealers looking for an excuse to spill blood. “Why are you even telling me this?” This was official club business, not something that was usually shared with prospects like Lucy.
“I can’t just go in there guns blazing.” Archie huffed. “I’m not a complete idiot, in case you hadn’t noticed.” His expression bordered on murderous as he waited for her to make a comment that never came. “I need to make my presence known in the least threatening way possible.”
“Oh? And how do you intend on doing that?” Lucy asked hesitantly. Gabe had a look on his face that made her uneasy…
“It’s very simple, really.” Archie leaned back in his chair. “We’re getting married.” Another crack of lightning lit the sky, followed by a fantastic boom of thunder. In an instant, the power went down and they were bathed in darkness. As dramatic as the moment was, Archie wished that he could see the expression on Lucy’s face right now.
Lucy coughed and sputtered. She couldn’t have been more shocked if he’d told her they were going on a one-way trip to the moon. “I-I’m sorry. I swore you just said that we were getting married. As in you and I…”
Archie leaned in closer, his hot breath fanning over her neck as he spoke. “You wanted to be a Devil, right? This is your ticket.” His voice was thick and gravelly, “If we win Reno, we could end their reign of terror. The Black Jacks would be gone for good. We need to do this and I don’t care what it takes, Lucy.” Archie paused, dragging a hand across his stubbled chin. “You know the rules. There are only certain things that allow a Devil to cross the border into Reno, turns out a honeymoon is one of them.” He glanced at her. “And as much as I dislike it, you’re the only choice. The club has already voted so…like it or not, that’s the way it goes, Luce. You’re a prospect. What I say goes.”
Lucy’s breath caught in her throat. She wanted to fight him but she was too flabbergasted to make a viable argument. There had to be some reason she could come up with as to why they couldn’t get married, but damn if she could think of one in that moment. By the time Lucy regained her bearings, Gabriel was already heading out into the storm with her only source of light in hand. She hurried after him. “Hey! That’s mine!” It was a stupid thing to say. In the scheme of things, he was taking a lot more from her than a flashlight…
“I promise you’ll get it back tomorrow. I’ll return it when I pick you up for the wedding. Make sure you pack enough clothes, sweetheart, because we’re going on an extended honeymoon.” Another flash of lightning illuminated Lucy’s form in the doorway and despite everything, Archie smiled. This was the absolute worst idea ever. Marrying Lucy Harding would make spending time with her unavoidable. Archie wanted to push her away; it was easier to deny his feelings that way. But if playing pretend for a week or two could save the MC and the town of Errol from the Black Jacks, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
Lucy stood in the doorway for a long time after Gabriel drove away. The wind and rain whipped around her, chilling her to the bone. Lucy was feeling uneasy. What she wanted was to be part of the Devil’s Own MC and to pave the way for other women to do the same. In the course of one day, Lucy had been hollered at, groped, and was being forced into marriage. Lucy drew in a ragged breath as she stared into the storm. “What the hell just happened?”
Chapter Four
The murky light of dawn found Lucy standing in front of the full-length mirror, wondering what she’d gotten herself into…
The dog days of summer were definitely upon them and last night’s storm offered only temporary relief from the heat. Lucy had lain awake for hours, listening to the rumbling thunder and watching the lightning illuminate the night. Sometime around midnight the storm had cleared, leaving in its wake a fathomless stretch of inky black sky dotted with millions of stars. Lucy might have enjoyed the beauty of the moment a little more if she weren’t so preoccupied.
At some point, exhaustion won Lucy over and she fell into a fitful sleep. She tossed and turned; her
mind spun with the uncertainty she felt about marrying Gabe and going up against the Black Jacks. The nightmares turned her stomach, the knife dug in deeper until Lucy gripped the sheets in terror. It was almost a relief when Danny stumbled home at four and started her awake. In a futile attempt to get himself some aspirin, Danny knocked everything out of the bathroom cabinet in what Lucy could only assume was an attempt to raise the dead. She made it into the hallway just in time to keep him from landing face first on the carpet.
Once Danny was safely tucked in, Lucy decided there was no use delaying the inevitable. After putting the medicine cabinet back together, she stripped off her pajamas and stepped into the shower. Lucy basked in the blissfully scalding spray until the all the hot water was gone. By the time she got out, a dull, throbbing headache was starting at the base of her skull. Lucy needed a caffeine fix pronto. Pulling her robe closed, she padded into the kitchen.
Lucy went through the motions of making coffee on autopilot. It wasn’t until she poured herself a cup of the heady brew that life began to infuse into her once more. She wrapped her hands around the mug and inhaled deeply, sighing at the comforting scent of her morning Joe. Her rapture didn’t last long, though. Now that she was thinking clearly again, she had to decide what to pack on a trip to hell.
Essential items were put in the suitcase first: handgun, mace, butterfly knife, deodorant, toothbrush, underwear, and the family picture taken three months before her parent died. With those items lovingly packed, Lucy dumped the rest of her clothes into the suitcase without fanfare.